четверг, 30 апреля 2020 г.

PACE WORK FORM 7 04/05/20

Тема: Вивчення Римських цифр.
Presentation of new material
     T.: Ancient Romans used a special method of showing numbers
Examples: They wrote III instead of 3
 And wrote IX instead of 9
The Roman Symbols
Romans Numerals are based on the following symbols:
1          5          10        50        100      500      1000
I          V         X         L         C         D         M
Basic Combinations
Which can be combined like this:
1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9
I          II         III        IV       V         VI       VII      VIII     IX
10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90
X         XX      XXX   XL      L         LX      LXX   LXXX XC
100      200      300      400      500      600      700      800      900
C         CC      CCC    CD      D         DC      DCC   DCCC CM
Forming Numbers - The Rules
When a symbol appears after a larger symbol it is added. Example: VI = V + I = 5 + 1 = 6
But if the symbol appears before a larger symbol it is subtracted. Example: IX = X - I = 10 - 1 = 9
Remember: After Larger is Added
Really Big Numbers
Numbers greater than 1,000 are formed by placing a dash over the symbol, meaning "times 1,000", but these are not commonly used:
5,000   10,000 50,000 100,000 500,000 1,000,000
V            X           L         C            D           M

How to Convert to Roman Numerals
Break the number into Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Units and write down each in turn.
Example: Convert 1984 to Roman Numerals.

Break 1984 into 1000, 900, 80 and 4, then do each conversion1000 = M
900 = CM
80 = LXXX
4 = IV
How To Remember

Think "MeDiCaL XaVIer".
 It has the roman numerals in order from 1000 to 1.
     T.: Now, let’s solve some problems.
Task 1: Convert 1754, 4736, 1425, 1998, 2014, 2015, 1994 to Roman Numerals.
 to ordinary numerals.
     T.: Answer my questions:
What is 31 in Roman numerals?
What is 45 in Roman numerals?
What is 73 in Roman numerals?
What is 25 in Roman numerals?
What is 95 in Roman numerals?
What is 75 in Roman numerals?
What is 74 in Roman numerals?
What is 83 in Roman numerals?
What is 92 in Roman numerals?

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18/01/21 PACE WORK Lesson 3 Form 8D Theme:The Greatest Common Factor

 Monday,the eighteenth of January Theme:The Greatest Common Factor Do 5 pages in Math and send to my email larisigoncharuk@ukr.net