понедельник, 27 апреля 2020 г.

PACE WORK FORM 7 28/04/20

Тема: Прислівник як частина мови.

1.Presentation of new material
     T.: Today we are going to learn about adverbs. (card #1)
Adverbs are words that modify:
-          a verb (He drove slowly. — How did he drive?)
-          an adjective (He drove a very fast car. — How fast was his car?)
-          another adverb (She moved quite slowly down the aisle. — How slowly did she move?)
     T.: As we will see, adverbs often tell when, where, why, or under what conditions something happens or happened. Adverbs frequently end in -ly; however, many words and phrases not ending in -ly serve an adverbial function and an -ly ending is not a guarantee that a word is an adverb. The words lovely, lonely, motherly, friendly, neighborly, for instance, are adjectives:
That lovely woman lives in a friendly neighborhood.
Kinds of Adverbs
Adverbs of Manner
    She moved slowly and spoke quietly.
Adverbs of Place
    She has lived on the island all her life.
    She still lives there now.
Adverbs of Frequency
    She takes the boat to the mainland every day.
    She often goes by herself.
Adverbs of Time
    She tries to get back before dark.
    It's starting to get dark now.
Adverbs of Purpose
    She drives her boat slowly to avoid hitting the rocks.
    She shops in several stores to get the best buys.

  2. Writing
     T.: In order to improve your grammar knowledge, let’s do some grammar tasks.
     The first task for you is to look at the pictures and draw a circle around the word that is most appropriate for the sentence. (card#2)
     The second task is to make a sentence by adding the adverb in the parentheses into the sentence provided. (card #3)
     T.: Now, let’s play a bit. I’ll give you the list of adverbs and you should choose one verb from the list on the left and one adverb from the list on the right. And your task is to act out two words. (card #4)
Card #2

Card #3

Card #4

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18/01/21 PACE WORK Lesson 3 Form 8D Theme:The Greatest Common Factor

 Monday,the eighteenth of January Theme:The Greatest Common Factor Do 5 pages in Math and send to my email larisigoncharuk@ukr.net