понедельник, 21 декабря 2020 г.

Lesson 22/12/20 Form 8D

Tuesday, the twenty-second of December



Underline the correct item.

  1   The walls shook/collapsed/damaged slightly during the earthquake.

  2   The emergency services saved/helped/rescued many lives that day.

  3   Did everyone escape/evacuate/survive from the falling building?

  4   The river burst/erupted/exploded its banks and flooded the town.

  5   They quickly lifted/rose/climbed to higher ground before the tsunami hit.

  6   We’re expecting storms this week. Please warn/recover/reach all your neighbours.  



  ·   Weather

  3   Fill in: melting, freezing, gathering, pouring, blowing.

  1   I’m not going anywhere today. It’s ………………. with rain.

  2   The wind is ………………. now so we can fly our kite. 

  3   Our snowman won’t last long. The snow’s ………………. .

  4   In the winter, we have ………………. temperatures at night.

  5   We saw dark clouds ………………. in the sky.


4   Fill in: bitterly cold, thick fog, strong winds, heavy rain, fresh air.

  1   Please open a window. We need some ………………. in here.

  2   Put a scarf on before you go, Harry. It’s ………………. outside.

  3   A ………………. covered the village and we couldn’t see a thing.

  4   The street is flooded because of the ………………. last night.

  5   Our garden fence always falls over in ………………. .



  ·   General revision

  5   Underline the correct item.

  1   The children were disheartened/disappointed because it was raining and they couldn’t play outdoors.   

  2   Being lost at sea during a storm was astonishing/terrifying experience.

  3   Polly is fascinated/interested by extreme weather conditions.

  4   I took the dog to the beach but it seemed confused/scared of the water.

  5   I’m relieved/excited that Danny is recovering from his illness.

  6   I love looking after my niece, Poppy. She’s such a kind/pleasant baby.

  7   Gareth couldn’t sleep last night. He was feeling tired/anxious.

  8   All the windows in the building smashed/burned during the fire. 

  9   The river is rising/falling quickly. There’s a serious risk of flooding.

10   The crowd of people approached/rushed towards higher ground where it was safe.  



  6   Fill in the following nouns to complete the text about volcanoes: lava, clouds, flames, risk, crater, ash, magma, slopes.

A volcano is a mountain with an opening at the top called a 1) ……………………. . Inside the volcano and underneath the earth’s surface, there is liquid rock called 2) ……………………. . During a volcanic eruption, it comes out in hot streams of 3) ……………………. which flow down the volcano’s 4) ………………. and glow red like 5) …………………. . The area surrounding the volcano gets covered in a layer of grey 6) ……………………. because large 7) ……………………. of it burst out of the volcano at great speed and force. Living near an active volcano is a big 8) ……………………. because when they erupt, they can be very dangerous.



  ·   Phrasal verbs

  8   Fill in: out (x4), up, down, for.

Last night, a fire broke 1) …………… at popular Italian restaurant Mario’s on Grange Street. The fire completely destroyed the building but fortunately, everyone who was inside escaped before it burned 2) …………… . Restaurant owner, John Little, immediately called 3) …………… help when he couldn’t put 4) …………… what started as a small fire in the kitchen. The lights suddenly went 5) …………… as customers were eating but staff quickly guided everyone outdoors to safety. Once the fire service arrived, it didn’t take long before the last flames died 6) …………… . Today, local residents are helping John Little to clean 7) …………… the area so that Mario’s can soon serve its delicious food once more.  



  ·   Word formation

  9   Form nouns derived from the words in bold.

  1   Sally made an excellent ……………………… following the accident. (RECOVER)

  2   They came to the ……………………… that the weather was too bad to drive anywhere. (REALISE)

  3   To everyone’s ………………………, nothing was damaged in the earthquake. (AMAZE)

  4   I felt such ………………… when the firefighter rescued my dog from the flood. (RELIEVE)

  5   They called for ……………………… after a huge tree blew over onto their car. (ASSIST)

  6   Let’s make a ……………………… about what to do next. (DECIDE)

  7   The volcanic ……………………… was so loud that you could hear it kilometres away. (ERUPT)


 Homework: Do the following exercise in written form

Grammar in use

  ·   Past simple/Past simple continuous

10  Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous. 

  1   What …………..…………… (you/do) when the earthquake struck?

  2   It …………..…………… (snow) heavily while you …………..…………… (sleep).

  3   A hurricane …………..…………… (hit) our town at 4am this morning.

  4   …………..…………… (you/watch) the news last night? There …………..…………… (be) a big wildfire in California.

  5   They …………..…………… (run) from the building and …..…………… (hide) under a tree.

  6   Mum …………..…………… (phone) Dad when the ambulance …………..…………… (arrive).

  7   It was a beautiful day. The sun …………..…………… (shine) and the birds …………..…………… (sing).

  8   As I …………..…………… (take) a photograph, I …………..…………… (hear) an avalanche in the distance.

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18/01/21 PACE WORK Lesson 3 Form 8D Theme:The Greatest Common Factor

 Monday,the eighteenth of January Theme:The Greatest Common Factor Do 5 pages in Math and send to my email larisigoncharuk@ukr.net