вторник, 8 декабря 2020 г.

PACE WORK 08/12/20

 Тема: Вживання Past Simple та Present Perfect в англійській мові.

     T.: In order to improve your grammar skills we are going to learn more about Past Simple and Present Perfect do some tasks.

Forming the past tense of regular verbs.

In Simple Past Tense you have to add –(e)d after regular verbs.

Be careful!

To a regular verb that ends in –e we only add –d.

        move - moved

Y changes into –i in the end of the regular verbs if there is a consonant before it.

        try - tried

The consonant doubles in the end of the regular verb, if it is a one-syllable word which is short if we pronounce it and if there is a vowel in front of the last letter (consonant).

        stop - stopped

The ‘l’ consonant doubles in the end of the regular verb.

        travel - travelled

The present perfect simple expresses an action that is still going on or that stopped recently, but has an influence on the present. It puts emphasis on the result.

Form of Present Perfect         Positive           Negative                          Question

I / you / we / they           I have spoken.        I have not spoken.      Have I spoken?

he / she / it                     He has spoken.        He has not spoken.     Has he spoken?

For irregular verbs, use the participle form (see list of irregular verbs, 3rd column). For regular verbs, just add “ed”.

Exceptions in spelling when adding ‘ed’

- after a final e only add d     love – loved

- final consonant after a short, stressed vowel or l as final consonant after a vowel is doubled     admit – admitted; travel – travelled

- final y after a consonant becomes i hurry – hurried

Use of Present Perfect

* puts emphasis on the result:  Example: She has written five letters.

* action that is still going on: Example: School has not started yet.

* action that stopped recently: Example: She has cooked dinner.

* finished action that has an influence on the present: Example: I have lost my key.

* action that has taken place once, never or several times before the moment of speaking: Example: I have never been to Australia.

Signal words of Present Perfect

already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now



     T.: Look at the blackboard. Here you can see some pictures. Describe them using Past Simple Tense.

     Look at the pictures and say: What did they do yesterday?


     T.: Now, try to describe an episode from your school life when you were punished or rewarded. You have to use Past Simple Tense.

     T.: Ask for the information in the bold part of the sentence. (card #1)

They have talked about art at school. - 

Jane has got a letter. - 

Oliver has cooked dinner. - 

Caron has read seven pages. - 

You have heard the song 100 times. -



     T.: let’s do some written tasks to improve your knowledge.

The first your task is to put the verbs in the brackets into Simple Past Tense. (card #2)

1)     He  (knock) at the door.

2)      Tom  (lie) to his mum.

3)      Mum  (lift) her bags.

4)      They  (like) this programme.

5)      You  (listen) to the radio in June.

6)      We  (live) in Cambridge.

7)      He  (lock) the gate.

8)      I  (look) at the photos.

     T.: The second task is to rewrite the sentences into the Past Simple Tense. (card #3)

1)      John cleans the car.

2)     Mr. Black climbs on the big mountain.

3)      Mandy cooks the lunch.

4)      The baby cries.

5)      Tom and Mary dance.

6)      Frank fishes next to the lake.

7)      Ms Green hoovers the carpets.

8)      She dreams about flying.

9)      Mrs. Brown irons the clothes.

10)      She laughs at something.

     T.: Now, write the participle form of the following verbs. (card #4)

go → 

sing → 

be → 

buy → 

do → 

     T.: Write sentences in present perfect simple. (card #5)

they / ask / a question - 

he / speak / English - 

I / be / in my room - 

we / not / wash / the car - 

Annie / not / forget / her homework - 

     T.: The last task for you is to write questions in present perfect simple. (card #6)

they / finish / their homework - 

Sue / kiss / Ben - 

the waiter / bring / the tea - 

Marilyn / pay / the bill - 

you / ever / write / a poem - 



Ask for the information in the bold part of the sentence.

They have talked about art at school. - 

Jane has got a letter. - 

Oliver has cooked dinner. - 

Caron has read seven pages. - 

You have heard the song 100 times. -

Card #2

Put the verbs in the brackets into Simple Past Tense.

1)     He  (knock) at the door.

2)      Tom  (lie) to his mum.

3)      Mum  (lift) her bags.

4)      They  (like) this programme.

5)      You  (listen) to the radio in June.

6)      We  (live) in Cambridge.

7)      He  (lock) the gate.

8)      I  (look) at the photos.

Card #3

Rewrite the sentences into the Past Simple Tense.

1)      John cleans the car.

2)     Mr Black climbs on the big mountain.

3)      Mandy cooks the lunch.

4)      The baby cries.

5)      Tom and Mary dance.

6)      Frank fishes next to the lake.

7)      Ms Green hoovers the carpets.

8)      She dreams about flying.

9)      Mrs Brown irons the clothes.

10)      She laughs at something.

Card #4

Write the participle form of the following verbs.

go → 

sing → 

be → 

buy → 

do → 

Card #5

Write sentences in present perfect simple.

they / ask / a question - 

he / speak / English - 

I / be / in my room - 

we / not / wash / the car - 

Annie / not / forget / her homework - 

Card #6

Write questions in present perfect simple.

they / finish / their homework - 

Sue / kiss / Ben - 

the waiter / bring / the tea - 

Marilyn / pay / the bill - 

you / ever / write / a poem - 








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18/01/21 PACE WORK Lesson 3 Form 8D Theme:The Greatest Common Factor

 Monday,the eighteenth of January Theme:The Greatest Common Factor Do 5 pages in Math and send to my email larisigoncharuk@ukr.net