пятница, 11 декабря 2020 г.

PACE WORK 11/12/20 Form 8D

  Friday, the eleventh of December


Тема: Правила читання лексичних одиниць з довгим звуком /o/

1.Presentation of material

     T.: Today we are going to learn about the long sound ''ֿо''. We are going to do some tasks to improve your knowledge.

     First of all we need to learn some rule on the topic.

The long ''ֿo'' sound may be spelled these five different ways:

o = froze

ow = show

oa = float

oe = toe

ou = four


     T.: You have just learned the rules of the reading long sound ''ֿo''. Now you have to do some tasks.

Please, read this family of words for ''flow'' (card # 1):

mow         low        tow        row          sow

bow           show     flow       crow        grow

stow          blow      slow       glow        snow


     T.: You have to underline the letters which have the long ''ֿo'' sound in the words (card #2):

globe                    slow

four                       float

load                       hoe

     T.: Please write the words, putting in the correct spelling for the ''ֿo'' sound (card #3):

1) f_ _ r           5) fl_ _

2) h_ _             6) sl_  _

3) gr_ ve           7) l_ _ d

4) fl_ _ t            8) gl_ _ be

     Card #1.

Read this family of words for ''flow'':

mow         low        tow        row          sow

bow           show     flow       crow        grow

stow          blow      slow       glow        snow


Card #2

Underline the letters which have the long ''ֿo'' sound in the words:

globe                    slow

four                       float

load                       hoe


Card #3

Write the words, putting in the correct spelling for the ''ֿo'' sound:

1) f_ _ r           5) fl_ _

2) h_ _             6) sl_  _

3) gr_ ve           7) l_ _ d

4) fl_ _ t            8) gl_ _ be

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Topic: Лариса Кльована's Zoom Meeting PACE WORK

Time: Dec 11, 2020 02:15 PM Kiev

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18/01/21 PACE WORK Lesson 3 Form 8D Theme:The Greatest Common Factor

 Monday,the eighteenth of January Theme:The Greatest Common Factor Do 5 pages in Math and send to my email larisigoncharuk@ukr.net