четверг, 14 января 2021 г.

15/01/21 Form 8D Theme: Introduction of Lexical Units with short sound /e/

Friday, the fifteenth of January

Theme: Introduction of Lexical Units with short sound /e/

1.Presentation of new material

     T.: Now, I’ll give you some cards (card #1) and you should read and write the family of words for “slept”: kept, wept, sept, crept, slept, swept.

Read and write the family of words for “dead”: head, read, lead, bread, dread, stead, tread, spread, thread.

Read the words in the box and write antonyms to the words: many, friend, damp, get, dead.


     T.: Now, try to guess the rhymes to the words: fan, hand, shell, jet, bread, tent, wept, thread, stamp.

Make up your own sentences using such spelling words as: friend, many, slept, spent, said, bread.


     T.: You have cards (card #2) and you can see some words. Your task is to underline the letters which have the short “e” sound in these words: slept, dead, get, bread, many, friend, said, any.

The second your task is to fill in the blank with a consonant blend to complete a word from the word list: gland, cast, bread, slept, spent, friend:







Card #1.

1. Read and write the family of words for “slept”: kept, wept, sept, crept, slept, swept.

2. Read and write the family of words for “dead”: head, read, lead, bread, dread, stead, tread, spread, thread.

3. Read the words in the box and write antonyms from the words.

 Many, friend, damp, get, dead.


Card #2

  1. Underline the letters which have the short “e” sound in these words:

slept, dead, get, bread, many, friend, said, any.

      2. Fill in the blank with a consonant blend to complete a word from the word list: gland, cast, bread, slept, spent, friend:







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18/01/21 PACE WORK Lesson 3 Form 8D Theme:The Greatest Common Factor

 Monday,the eighteenth of January Theme:The Greatest Common Factor Do 5 pages in Math and send to my email larisigoncharuk@ukr.net