четверг, 30 апреля 2020 г.

PACE WORK FORM 7 04/05/20

Тема: Вивчення Римських цифр.
Presentation of new material
     T.: Ancient Romans used a special method of showing numbers
Examples: They wrote III instead of 3
 And wrote IX instead of 9
The Roman Symbols
Romans Numerals are based on the following symbols:
1          5          10        50        100      500      1000
I          V         X         L         C         D         M
Basic Combinations
Which can be combined like this:
1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9
I          II         III        IV       V         VI       VII      VIII     IX
10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90
X         XX      XXX   XL      L         LX      LXX   LXXX XC
100      200      300      400      500      600      700      800      900
C         CC      CCC    CD      D         DC      DCC   DCCC CM
Forming Numbers - The Rules
When a symbol appears after a larger symbol it is added. Example: VI = V + I = 5 + 1 = 6
But if the symbol appears before a larger symbol it is subtracted. Example: IX = X - I = 10 - 1 = 9
Remember: After Larger is Added
Really Big Numbers
Numbers greater than 1,000 are formed by placing a dash over the symbol, meaning "times 1,000", but these are not commonly used:
5,000   10,000 50,000 100,000 500,000 1,000,000
V            X           L         C            D           M

How to Convert to Roman Numerals
Break the number into Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Units and write down each in turn.
Example: Convert 1984 to Roman Numerals.

Break 1984 into 1000, 900, 80 and 4, then do each conversion1000 = M
900 = CM
80 = LXXX
4 = IV
How To Remember

Think "MeDiCaL XaVIer".
 It has the roman numerals in order from 1000 to 1.
     T.: Now, let’s solve some problems.
Task 1: Convert 1754, 4736, 1425, 1998, 2014, 2015, 1994 to Roman Numerals.
 to ordinary numerals.
     T.: Answer my questions:
What is 31 in Roman numerals?
What is 45 in Roman numerals?
What is 73 in Roman numerals?
What is 25 in Roman numerals?
What is 95 in Roman numerals?
What is 75 in Roman numerals?
What is 74 in Roman numerals?
What is 83 in Roman numerals?
What is 92 in Roman numerals?

Lesson 28 04/05/20

Monday, the fourth of May

Theme: Some/any/every/no & compounds

1.     Study the table

1.Read Grammar Reference section, page 114
2. Watch the video

3.Do ex7,8,9,p.114-115 in your Workbook

Home task   Ex 10,p.115
Email me the photos of your homework.

среда, 29 апреля 2020 г.

PACE WORK FORM 7 30/04/20

 Тема: Вивчення про метеори та сузір'я.
 Today we are going to learn some facts about constellations and meteors. We are going to do some
1. Reading
Pre-reading task
     T.: In order to learn new items we start to work with lexical cards. (cards #1) Here you can see some new words:
- a constellation – a group of stars
- a cluster – a small group
- a flashlight – a handheld lamp
- galaxy – an immense system of stars
- a hemisphere – one half of the Earth
- Orion – a constellation
- Pleiades – a constellation
- a pinwheel – a toy with a wheel that rotates in the wind
     T.: Now we are going to read the text.
People, even in ancient times, had a natural curiosity about the heavens. Long ago when people observed the sky, they studied the arrangement of the stars as God had placed them in the sky. They gave names to individual star patterns. These star patterns, or star clusters, are called constellations.
The first thing a person has to do in order to find a constellation is to concentrate on learning how to see a constellation. Concentrate means to fix one's attention on something. If your eyesight is extremely good, you may experience some difficulty seeing a star constellation because you may see more stars than others do. Also, when we are away from city lights, more stars are visible.
In ancient times the stars looked brighter. There were no bright city lights. The skies overhead seemed filled with many bright stars. How then did people in ancient days identify constellations so that they stood out from other stars around them? Ancient people who studied the stars identified and concentrated on only 500 bright stars. They did not concentrate on the thousands of other less bright stars. The ancient astronomers named only 48 constellations.
How can we learn to find certain constellations? If an observer is shown a picture that has an object hidden in it, he usually has difficulty identifying the hidden object. However, if he is shown an outline of the hidden object, then it is easier to identify.
The Big Dipper
On a globe a line is drawn at the equator to divide Earth into two hemispheres. The part of Earth north of the equator is called the Northern Hemisphere, and the part of Earth south of the equator is called the Southern Hemisphere.
The ancient astronomers left records of the stars seen only in the sky of the Northern Hemisphere. They did not live in the Southern Hemisphere, and they were not able to see the star constellations of the southern sky.              For this reason the constellations of the southern sky are not as well known.
Of all the stars in the northern sky, one individual star seems to remain in its place. The other stars turn around it. This star is not seen by those living in the Southern Hemisphere. It is only seen in the northern sky. It is called the North Star.
     In wintertime in the northern sky, it is easier to see the constellation of Orion and Pleiades than other constellations. There are three larger stars in a straight line that are described as the belt of Orion. 
The Pleiades
The Pleiades is a well-known group of seven stars. However, the average person can see only six of the stars in the Pleiades.
The Pleiades and Orion, are certainly the most outstanding sights found in the winter sky of the Northern Hemisphere.                              
Our sun and moon, the planets, comets, asteroids, and meteors all belong to our solar system. Our solar system belongs to a larger star system called a galaxy. A galaxy is an enormous group of stars held together by gravity. There are millions of other galaxies in the universe besides the galaxy to which our solar system belongs.
Our solar system belongs to the Milky Way galaxy. You have played with a toy pinwheel. Well, the Milky Way galaxy is shaped like a pinwheel. Our solar system is inside the pinwheel-shaped Milky Way. On a clear night, the Milky Way appears to have a milky glow about it. A side view of the Milky Way would show it to have somewhat of an oval shape. Here is a picture of how our pinwheel-shaped Milky Way galaxy would look if we could look at it from the side. From above, the Milky Way looks something like a pinwheel, but from the side it is somewhat oval-shaped.

                                                   Side View                     Top View
While – reading task
     T.: While reading the text, be ready to answer such questions as:
- What is a constellation?
- What constellations do you know?
- What is a galaxy?
- What galaxy do you know?
Post – reading task
  2. Writing
     T.:   You have got the card with the task. We have just read the text and now let’s complete the sentences. (card #2)
 Card #2.

Task: Fill in the blanks with the right answers.
  1. Star patterns or star clusters are called …………….
  2. The part of earth north of the equator is called the ……………. Hemisphere.
  3. The part of earth south of the equator is called the ……………. Hemisphere.
  4. We can more easily find the ……………….. if we find the Big Dipper first.
  5. The ……………. is part of the constellation called the Great Bear.
  6.  …………………. means great Bear.
  7. …………………..means Seven Stars.
  8. The ………….is a well-known group of seven stars.
  9. The ……….….., ………………, ………………, …………………, ………………. and ……………. all belong to our solar system.
  10. Our solar system belongs to the ………………..galaxy.

LESSON 27 30/04/20

Thursday, the thirtieth of April

Theme: Reflexive pronouns

           1.Study the table
            Watch the video

3.     Do ex 6p.113 in your Workbook

       4. Write the following exercise in your exercise-books:
  Fill in: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.
1  Michael wrote and directed the film …………….……..……… .
2  The orchestra have to take care of their instruments …………….……..……… .
3  Did you all enjoy …………….……..……… at the concert?
4  She went to the cinema by …………….….…… .
5  It’s difficult to teach …………….…..……… how to play the piano.
6  The film …………….……..……… was shot in just 10 days.
7  I made the costumes for the performance …………….……..……… .
8  We painted these pictures ……………...……… 
Home task: 
Follow the link and do the task
Email me the screenshot of your homework.

вторник, 28 апреля 2020 г.

PACE WORK FORM 7 29/04/20

Тема: Вбивство президента Авраама Лінкольна.
 Today we are going to learn some facts about Mr. Abraham Lincoln. We are going to do some tasks to improve your knowledge.
1. Reading
Pre-reading task
     T.: In order to learn new items we start to work with lexical cards. (cards #1) Here you can see some new words:
- Illinois – a state of the USA
- to defeat – to overcome in a contest or competition; win a victory over
- Democratic Party – a Civil War political party
- to threaten – to say that harm will be done
- South Carolina – a state of the USA
- to secede - to make a formal withdrawal of membership, as from a political alliance, church, organization.
     T.: Now we are going to read the text.
Abraham Lincoln Is Killed.

All over the country, people expressed joy that the war had finally ended. The people of the South, though sad at losing the war, were thankful to welcome home fathers and sons.
Happy people filled the streets of Northern cities. People attended church that day because a special holiday had been declared. Most people in the North were thankful to God for the fact that the Union had been saved, not that the South had fallen. In a short time, however, happiness turned to mourning.
Five weeks after beginning his second term in office, President Lincoln attended a play with Mrs. Lincoln in Washington, D.C. An actor, Mr. John Wilkes Booth, walked onto the balcony where President Lincoln was seated. Mr. Booth shot the President and jumped down from the balcony onto the floor. Mr. Booth broke his leg when he jumped, but escaped through a back door and rode quickly away on his horse. Federal troops searched for Mr. John W. Booth and at last caught him at a barn in Virginia. He was killed trying to escape. The President died the next morning from the wound he had received earlier. The nation mourned the tragic death of President Lincoln.
The evening of the play, Mr. Booth had stopped for a drink of liquor. During the play, Mr. Lincoln's bodyguard left and also went for a drink of liquor. Those two drinks of liquor cost the life of one of America's greatest Presidents. Had Mr. Booth not taken a drink and had the bodyguard not left the side of the President, the terrible act might never have occurred. Those two drinks of liquor were said to be the costliest drinks in American history.
On the last day of his life, President Lincoln had stated that the next giant problem which lay ahead was to get rid of the sale of liquor. He did not feel that control of liquor was the answer, but only the complete abolishment of it.
The nation mourned President Lincoln's death. Many people had called him "Father Abraham," and they mourned for him as they would have mourned the death of a father.

While – reading task
     T.: While reading the text, make some notes to speak about the life and the running of Abraham Lincoln.
Post – reading task
  2. Writing
     T.:   You have got the cards with the task. We have just read the text and now let’s complete the sentences. (card #2)
 Card #2.

Task: Fill in the blanks with the right answers.
  1. The Northerners formed a political group in the 1850’s called the ……………..
  2. Another name for the Republican Party is the G.O.P., which stands for …………
  3. The Republican Party wanted to elect a man for President who would……………. and …….
  4. Mr. Lincoln’s only experience in national politics was as a …………….. from Illinois.
  5. The days following Mr. Lincoln’s election have been called the ……………..in American history.
  6. The first of the Southern states to secede was…………….
  7. The total of seceding states after Mr. Lincoln’s election was………………
  8. When national problems became too heavy to bear Mr. Lincoln ………………………..
  9. Had not Mr. Lincoln been given ……………….., our nation, as we know it today, would probably not exist.

Lesson 26 29/04/20

Wednesday, the twenty-ninth of April
Theme: Passive Voice

1.Watch the video and revise how to form and use the present simple passive and the past simple passive:

2. Do ex.1 p.112. Make sentences in the present simple passive or the past simple passive, as in the example.

Ex.3 p.113. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets into the present or past simple passive. Look at the text again and answer the questions in the passive.

4.Follow the link and do the task:

Do ex.2 p.112, ex.4 p.113.

понедельник, 27 апреля 2020 г.

PACE WORK FORM 7 28/04/20

Тема: Прислівник як частина мови.

1.Presentation of new material
     T.: Today we are going to learn about adverbs. (card #1)
Adverbs are words that modify:
-          a verb (He drove slowly. — How did he drive?)
-          an adjective (He drove a very fast car. — How fast was his car?)
-          another adverb (She moved quite slowly down the aisle. — How slowly did she move?)
     T.: As we will see, adverbs often tell when, where, why, or under what conditions something happens or happened. Adverbs frequently end in -ly; however, many words and phrases not ending in -ly serve an adverbial function and an -ly ending is not a guarantee that a word is an adverb. The words lovely, lonely, motherly, friendly, neighborly, for instance, are adjectives:
That lovely woman lives in a friendly neighborhood.
Kinds of Adverbs
Adverbs of Manner
    She moved slowly and spoke quietly.
Adverbs of Place
    She has lived on the island all her life.
    She still lives there now.
Adverbs of Frequency
    She takes the boat to the mainland every day.
    She often goes by herself.
Adverbs of Time
    She tries to get back before dark.
    It's starting to get dark now.
Adverbs of Purpose
    She drives her boat slowly to avoid hitting the rocks.
    She shops in several stores to get the best buys.

  2. Writing
     T.: In order to improve your grammar knowledge, let’s do some grammar tasks.
     The first task for you is to look at the pictures and draw a circle around the word that is most appropriate for the sentence. (card#2)
     The second task is to make a sentence by adding the adverb in the parentheses into the sentence provided. (card #3)
     T.: Now, let’s play a bit. I’ll give you the list of adverbs and you should choose one verb from the list on the left and one adverb from the list on the right. And your task is to act out two words. (card #4)
Card #2

Card #3

Card #4

Lesson 25 28/04/20

Tuesday, the twenty-eighth of April
Theme: Culture
Learn the new words:

Do ex.1 p.82. Read the text below. Choose the correct answer by circling the appropriate letter (A,B or C).
Do ex.1 p. 83. Read the review. For paragraphs 1-3, choose the right heading (A-D). One heading is extra.

You will hear a teacher talking to some students. Decide which sentence (1-3) are T(true) and which are F(false).

Do ex.2 p.83 complete the gaps with appropriate words from the box in the correct form; ex.3 p.83 read the sentences and complete the second sentence using the word in bold

18/01/21 PACE WORK Lesson 3 Form 8D Theme:The Greatest Common Factor

 Monday,the eighteenth of January Theme:The Greatest Common Factor Do 5 pages in Math and send to my email larisigoncharuk@ukr.net