воскресенье, 10 января 2021 г.

Lesson 11/01/21 Form 8D Theme:Experiences

 Monday, the eleventh of January




Ex.1 p.46.Write down as many types of holidays as you can think of.

Ex.2 p.46.Look at the pictures.Which shows:an expedition?

Ex.3 p.46. Read the title of the text and the first sentence in each paragraph.What do you think the text is about?

Ex.4 p.47 Read the text and complete the gaps.

Ex.5 p.47. Answer the questions in your own words.


Ex.6 p.47.Complete the sentences.

3.Homework:read and translate the text ex.3p.46,ex.7,8 p.47(w).

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18/01/21 PACE WORK Lesson 3 Form 8D Theme:The Greatest Common Factor

 Monday,the eighteenth of January Theme:The Greatest Common Factor Do 5 pages in Math and send to my email larisigoncharuk@ukr.net