вторник, 22 декабря 2020 г.

Lesson 23/12/20 Form 8D

 Wednesday, the twenty-third of December


Theme:Natural Disasters

· Word formation

  1   Form nouns derived from the words in bold.

  1   Sally made an excellent ……………………… following the accident. (RECOVER)

  2   They came to the ……………………… that the weather was too bad to drive anywhere. (REALISE)

  3   To everyone’s ………………………, nothing was damaged in the earthquake. (AMAZE)

  4   I felt such ………………… when the firefighter rescued my dog from the flood. (RELIEVE)

  5   They called for ……………………… after a huge tree blew over onto their car. (ASSIST)

  6   Let’s make a ……………………… about what to do next. (DECIDE)

  7   The volcanic ……………………… was so loud that you could hear it kilometres away. (ERUPT)


  ·   used to/would/past simple

  2   Underline the correct item.

  1   Tammy used to/would live in an earthquake zone.

  2   I used to lose/lost three umbrellas last month.

  3   I used to/would feel scared in thunderstorms.

  4   The volcano would erupt/erupted only once. 

  5   We would/used to drive over that bridge every day.

  6   Did you get/used to get a photograph of the tsunami?



  ·   Adverbs

  3   Form adverbs from the following adjectives to complete the sentences: similar, ironic, terrible, lazy, pleasant.

  1   We were ………………… surprised about the weather because we expected it to rain that afternoon.

  2   The boys spent the whole day sunbathing ………………… in the garden.

  3   I knew my friend was joking when he winked at me ………………… .

  4   The twins always dress ………… to each other. 

  5   I arrived ………………… late for my interview because the roads were so icy.



  ·   Sentence transformations

  4   Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use up to three words.

  1   The avalanche occurred while we were walking through the mountains.

       We were walking through the mountains ........  

  2   Mary started studying Geology in 2003 and finished in 2007.

       Mary ............................................................
                                                          in 2005.

  3   The hurricane began during our exam.

       While we ......................................................
                             exam, the hurricane began.

  4   The forest was burning when I woke up.

       I ..................................................................
                                   the forest was burning.

  5   I had a cat when I was five.

       When I was five, I used .................................






· Prepositions

5 Underline the correct item. 

  1   The hurricane did a lot of damage to/from my roof.

  2   A waterproof jacket protects you from/of the rain. 

  3   We got in the car and rushed to/at the nearest hospital.

  4   We are depending on/with the emergency services to arrive quickly.

  5   I hope the situation doesn’t get out/above of control.

  6   Sadly, the house burned to/up the ground within minutes.

  7   Have you heard from/about Tammy recently? I’m worried about her.

  8   Three people were saved for/from the burning building.

  9   Look! The old paper factory is in/on flames!

1 0   Lauren shouted at/for help and a man soon appeared.

Homework: do the following exercise.

6.   Complete the gaps (1-5) with the sentences (A-E).

Sue:    Hi, Luke. It’s good to see you. I heard you have a story about your recent holiday. 1)………………..

Luke:   Well, we were hiking in the Himalayas last week when suddenly, a huge block of snow fell off the mountain in front of us. 2)………………..

Sue:    Oh, no! 3)……………….. I bet you were scared.

Luke:   4)………………… But nobody was injured, thankfully.

Sue:    What a relief! 5)……………….. I’m happy to see you’re safe.

Luke:   Thanks, Sue! Me, too!

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18/01/21 PACE WORK Lesson 3 Form 8D Theme:The Greatest Common Factor

 Monday,the eighteenth of January Theme:The Greatest Common Factor Do 5 pages in Math and send to my email larisigoncharuk@ukr.net